Updated January 2025
All columns below are searchable and sortable separately or in combination by entering whole or partial search criteria.
Type a partial or complete school name, course number, or course description in the search box below to find all course listings with that entry.
Type Louisiana Tech in the Search box to find all approved survey courses offered at LA Tech; or
Type BRCC to find all approved survey courses offered at Baton Rouge Community College; or
Type LSUA to find all approved survey courses offered at LSU Alexandria.
Default sorting order is alphabetically by Institution, then by course number. All columns are sortable.
Use the following legend to determine course classifications:
Abbreviation |
Definition |
S |
Surveying |
S/B |
Surveying/Boundary |
M |
Mapping |
R |
Real Property |
B |
Boundary |
S/B/R |
Surveying/Boundary/Real Property |
S/M |
Surveying/Mapping |
All pre-approvals are based on the course content as described by the syllabi that were provided to us. Any changes in the content or format of a previously approved course
may result in our disapproving the course for credit toward the required 30 semester credit hours of surveying, mapping and real property courses. LAPELS does not allow
credit for courses which are duplicative of, or have content which overlaps that of other courses that have been submitted for approval.