Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board

(since January 2008)

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Examples: Type Engineering in the Search box to find all listings with Engineering in the name
Type 2014 in the Search box to find all consent orders ratified in 2014; or
Type Engineering 2014 to find all consent orders ratified in 2014 with Engineering in the name; or
Type Engineering 09 2014 to find all consent orders ratified in September 2014 with Engineering in the name.
Default sorting order is alphabetically by Individual, then alphabetically by Firm.
Abolhassani, Ali, P.E. Individual 06/10/2019 Case 2018-104
Abu-Yasein, Omar A., P.E. Individual 05/23/2022 Case 2021-74
Aldrete, George A., P.E. Retired Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2017-45
Alexander, Lee M., P.E. Individual 11/16/2015 Case 2015-12
Allain, Peter A., P.E. Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2016-23
Alvine, Douglas R., P.E. Individual 01/22/2014 Case 2013-92
Alvine, Steven T., P.E. Individual 01/22/2014 Case 2013-93
Amy, Alvin A., P.E. Individual 07/19/2010 Case 2008-148
Anderson, John C., P.E. Individual 11/05/2018 Case 2018-40
Anderson, Steven D., P.E. Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2017-51
Ansa, Emmanuel E., P.E. Individual 01/22/2014 Case 2012-111
Argus, Ballard L., P.E. Individual 01/28/2015 Case 2014-24
Arias, Gabriel S., P.E. Individual 04/22/2024 Case 2023-55
Armenta, Brian M., III, P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2022-6
Atkins, James T., Jr. Individual 01/28/2015 Case 2014-07
Aucoin, Karl. J., P.E. Individual 05/20/2013 Case 2012-106
Aucoin, Stewart A., P.E. Individual 04/08/2019 Case 2014-51
Avant, Tommy J., P.E. (1) Individual 01/28/2015 Case 2013-45
Avant, Tommy J., P.E. (2) Individual 01/28/2015 Case 2014-14
Backstedt, David W., Jr., P.E. Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2016-25
Badeaux, Michael H., P.E. Individual 02/01/2022 Case 2021-89
Bailey, Jamie L., P.E. Individual 11/05/2018 Case 2018-14
Barbera, Beau A., P.E. Individual 01/23/2023 Case 2021-67
Barnes, Donald A., P.E. Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2017-61
Barrett, Craig T., P.E. Individual 11/05/2018 Case 2018-18
Barrilleaux, Robert C., P.E. Individual 09/16/2013 Case 2012-80
Beath, John M. Individual 02/27/2024 Case 2021-96
Beccard, Robert W., P.E. Individual 05/24/2021 Case 2020-96
Becker, Gregory T., P.E. Individual 02/04/2025 Case 2024-74
Begley, James P., P.E. Individual 07/24/2023 Case 2022-71
Bell, Kevin M. Individual 06/18/2018 Case 2016-26
Benavides, Francisco M., P.E. Individual 09/19/2016 Case 2015-76
Best, Charles F., P.E. Individual 09/19/2011 Case 2010-108
Bibaeff, John A., Jr., P.E. Individual 11/14/2016 Case 2016-44
Blanchette, Lawrence W., P.E. Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2017-58
Blunt, Larry P., P.E. Individual 07/23/2012 Case 2011-124
Bodin, William J. Jr., P.E., P.L.S. (1) Individual 11/18/2009 Case 2007-64
Bodin, William J. Jr., P.E., P.L.S. (2) Individual 09/20/2010 Case 2010-56
Bodin, William J. Jr., P.E., P.L.S. (3) Individual 03/17/2014 Case 2012-97
Bodin, William J. Jr., P.E., P.L.S. (4) Individual 10/26/2020 Case 2018-81
Boehringer, Kevin S., P.E. Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2018-83
Boon, David M., P.E. Individual 11/05/2018 Case 2018-13
Boonjindasup, Anan, P.E. Individual 01/28/2015 Case 2013-107
Boudreaux, David F., P.E. Individual 11/16/2015 Case 2013-98
Brabham, Brett M., P.E. Individual 09/22/2009 Case 2009-60
Bradford, Edward C., P.E. Individual 10/30/2023 Case 2021-29
Brian, Eugene A., P.E. (1) Individual 09/24/2012 Case 2011-91
Brian, Eugene A., P.E. (2) Individual 05/15/2017 Case 2015-49
Brown, Paul L., P.E. Individual 07/20/2009 Case 2008-46
Burchett, William B., P.E. Individual 09/10/2018 Case 2018-63
Burgason, Brady, P.E. Individual 01/23/2023 Case 2022-53
Calcara, Jasper B., P.E. Individual 07/25/2011 Case 2011-47
Campbell, Robert C., II, P.E. Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2017-59
Carubba, Roy M., P.E. Individual 09/10/2018 Case 2014-42
Case 2011-58 Individual 03/20/2012 Case 2011-58
Case 2012-25 Individual 11/19/2012 Case 2012-25
Case 2012-26 Individual 07/23/2012 Case 2012-26
Chapman, Leland R., P.E. Individual 07/12/2013 Case 2013-59
Charters, Samuel B., P.E. Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2017-35
Clark, Michael D., P.E. Individual 04/22/2024 Case 2023-73
Clary, Noel K., P.E. Individual 04/22/2024 Case 2023-60
Clinkscales, Fulton V., Jr., P.L.S. Individual 06/01/2015 Case 2013-103
Cole, Samuel D. IV, P.E. Individual 09/28/2015 Case 2013-117
Collins, Timothy L., P.L.S. Individual 10/11/2021 Case 2020-99
Cook, Keith B. Individual 01/28/2015 Case 2014-33
Crook, Barrett C., P.E. Individual 07/24/2023 Case 2022-24
Davezac, Ray A., P.E. Individual 11/21/2011 Case 2010-62
Derouen, Myles Individual 11/05/2018 Case 2016-49
Dixon, C. Randall, P.L.S. Individual 09/22/2009 Case 2008-82
Dugas, Toby G., P.E. Individual 01/28/2020 Case 2019-44
Dumack, Heath A., P.E. Individual 01/11/2021 Case 2020-54
Dunlap, John G., P.L.S. Individual 10/30/2023 Case 2022-19
Dupre, Larry J., PE Individual 09/19/2016 Case 2015-64
Dyer, George M. Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2015-24
Ehlers, John Manfred, P.E. Individual 10/30/2023 Case 2023-18
Eleiott, Terry L. Individual 07/07/2012 Case 2011-111
Elmi, Hadi Individual 11/21/2011 Case 2011-8
Evans, George A. Jr., P.L.S. Individual 02/27/2024 Case 2023-19
Evans, Jack E., P.E. Individual 06/05/2023 Case 2022-46
Evetts, James B., P.E. Individual 01/11/2021 Case 2020-41
Fairburn, Alvin A., Jr., P.L.S. Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2015-62
Ferrell, Marshall T., P.E. Individual 07/21/2014 Case 2013-111
Field, Mary M., P.E. Individual 03/17/2014 Case 2012-74
Field, Stephen D., P.E. Individual 03/17/2014 Case 2012-73
Fitzgerald, Walter J., P.E. Individual 09/22/2009 Case 2009-2
Flynn, Stephen P., P.L.S. Individual 09/15/2014 Case 2013-83
Foss, Ronald T., P.E. Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2019-24
Fowler, John A., P.E. Individual 02/01/2022 Case 2021-2
Freber, Brian W., P.E. Individual 11/04/2024 Case 2024-43
Fulk, Kenneth M., P.E. Individual 11/05/2018 Case 2018-36
Fussell, Darrell R., P.E. Individual 11/14/2016 Case 2013-63
Gardner, Thomas M., P.E. Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2016-38
Garrett, James N., III, P.E. Individual 11/14/2016 Case 2015-58
Gaspard, Melanie V., P.E. Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2016-5
Germ, John F., P.E. Individual 07/25/2011 Case 2011-18
Graham, Thomas S., P.E. Individual 06/10/2024 Case 2023-35
Green, Eric C., P.E. Individual 09/22/2009 Case 2008-77
Greywall, Paul F., P.E. Individual 05/16/2016 Case 2015-73
Gurtler, Friedrich W. L., P.E. (1) Individual 01/28/2015 Case 2013-102
Gurtler, Friedrich W. L., P.E. (2) Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2015-55
Gurtler, Michael K. A. Individual 01/28/2015 Case 2013-101
Hagen, Ty J., P.E. Individual 07/25/2011 Case 2010-26
Haight, Edward C., P.E. Individual 05/13/2009 Case 2007-230
Haisty, Ronny C., Jr., P.E., P.L.S. Individual 01/19/2016 Case 2015-21
Hardy, Timothy L., P.E. Individual 10/11/2021 Case 2020-105
Harper, Larry R. Individual 11/17/2014 Case 2014-12
Harrison, Edsel R. Jr., P.E. Individual 11/21/2011 Case 2011-56
Hartman, Jan J., P.E. Inactive Individual 10/10/2022 Case 2022-16
Hasan, Afsar, III, P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2022-3
Hathorn, Jason S., P.E. (1) Individual 09/24/2012 Case 2011-106
Hathorn, Jason S., P.E. (2) Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2017-64
Heaslip, James B., II, P.E. Individual 10/10/2022 Case 2022-17
Hebert, John O., III, P.L.S. (1) Individual 06/08/2020 Case 2017-9
Hebert, John O., III, P.L.S. (2) Individual 02/04/2025 Case 2024-21
Hesseltine, Terry L., III, P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2022-2
Hice, Jonnae L., P.E. Individual 02/01/2022 Case 2020-81
Hilger, Peter A., P.E. Individual 01/28/2020 Case 2019-19
Hirsch, Leonard H., P.E. Individual 09/28/2015 Case 2013-106
Holm, Richard L., P.E. Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2016-21
Honore', Dalton W., II, P.E., P.L.S. (1) Individual 01/13/2009 Case 2006-66
Honore', Dalton W., II, P.E., P.L.S. (2) Individual 09/19/2011 Case 2009-73
Horridge, Steven M., P.E. Individual 04/04/2009 Case 2008-51
Hossenlopp, David P., P.E. Individual 06/10/2024 Case 2023-79
Hull, John T., P.E. Individual 09/19/2016 Case 2014-35
Hunt, Stephen E., P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2021-93
Hutson, Edward P., Jr., P.E. Individual 01/22/2014 Case 2013-23
Istre, Dexter G., P.E. Individual 10/26/2020 Case 2018-101
Jaafar, Abdou M., P.E. Individual 01/28/2020 Case 2019-20
Jackson, Louis L., P.E. Individual 05/15/2017 Case 2014-45
James, Michael E., P.L.S. Individual 06/08/2020 Case 2018-15
Johnson, Christopher T., P.E. Individual 02/01/2022 Case 2020-90
Johnson, Kenneth C., P.L.S. Individual 09/20/2010 Case 2010-67
Jones, Elmer, P.E. Individual 10/10/2022 Case 2021-80
Jones, Elmer, P.E. (1) Individual 03/21/2011 Case 2010-66
Jones, Elmer, P.E. (2) Individual 07/12/2013 Case 2012-40
Jones, Elmer, P.E. (3) Individual 09/18/2017 Case 2015-40
Jones, Robert E., P.E., P.L.S. Individual 07/25/2011 Case 2011-14
Kelso, Jerry J., P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2022-18
Kendrick, James O., III, P.E. Individual 09/15/2014 Case 2014-28
Kenney, John P., III, P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2021-91
Khachaturian, Jon E. Individual 05/15/2017 Case 2015-33
Khan, Sarmad Individual 09/19/2016 Case 2014-26
King, Michael D., P.E. Individual 07/24/2023 Case 2021-85
Kirstein, Eric J., P.E. Individual 01/22/2019 Case 2018-54
Kleinpeter, Greg Individual 06/01/2015 Case 2014-8
Knight, David W. Individual 07/25/2011 Case 2009-108
Knudsen, Erik B., P.E. Individual 01/11/2021 Case 2020-78
Krantz, Eric L., P.E. Individual 04/08/2019 Case 2017-2
Kuenzel, Benjamin J., P.E. Individual 10/11/2021 Case 2021-46
Lafleur, Blaine S., P.E. Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2016-48
Landry, Leo J., Jr. Individual 11/14/2016 Case 2015-78
Landry, Phillip J., Jr. Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2016-55
Lara, Melvin K., P.E. Individual 05/13/2009 Case 2007-210
Lee, Robert D., P.E. (1) Individual 07/20/2009 Case 2007-103
Lee, Robert D., P.E. (2) Individual 01/19/2012 Case 2011-98
Lee, Robert D., P.E. (3) Individual 11/19/2012 Case 2011-34
Leguizamon, Sergio P.E. Individual 11/05/2018 Case 2018-9
Leitzinger, Michael P., III, P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2021-48
Lejeune, Tom W., P.E. Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2017-56
Leone, Andrew D., P.E. Individual 02/04/2025 Case 2023-45
Lewis, Andrew K., P.E. Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2017-53
Linxwiler, Brian T. Individual 09/16/2013 Case 2012-132
Logan, David B., P.E. Individual 01/28/2020 Case 2018-120
Lorenz, Wayne F., P.E. Individual 05/23/2022 Case 2021-57
Loup, Jeffrey J., P.E. Individual 01/18/2012 Case 2010-118
Luong, Binh Van Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2017-23
Mannava, Syam S., P.E. Individual 03/11/2013 Case 2012-66
Maqbool, Mubashir Individual 01/30/2018 Case 2017-24
Marino, Gennaro G., P.E. Individual 09/24/2012 Case 2011-119
Martin, Kenny Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2018-116
Martin, Lester H., Jr., P.L.S. Individual 09/10/2018 Case 2018-27
Maslan, Stephen P., P.E. Individual 11/16/2015 Case 2014-9
Matkin, John-Mark, P.E. Individual 10/10/2022 Case 2021-73
Mayeux, Lurrie B., JR, P.E. Individual 01/30/2018 Case 2015-37
Mazur, Gregory, P.E. Individual 03/22/2021 Case 2020-33
McKinley, Ron J. Individual 11/19/2012 Case 2011-43
McLaren, Michael J., P.E. Individual 06/10/2024 Case 2023-44
Mikell, Alan G., P.E. Individual 11/21/2011 Case 2011-46
Mikhael, George W., P.E. Individual 04/18/2013 Case 2012-21
Mileson, Andrew J., P.E. Individual 09/23/2024 Case 2024-27
Miller, Gerald A., P.E. Individual 09/24/2012 Case 2011-125
Miller, Jonathan P., P.E. Individual 01/24/2023 Case 2022-62
Minick, Mark C., P.E. Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2016-36
Money, Alan E., P.E. Individual 04/22/2024 Case 2022-13
Moody, Jeffrey M., P.L.S. Individual 05/15/2011 Case 2010-110
Morello, Bridget S., P.E. Individual 05/16/2016 Case 2015-74
Mori, Ross T., P.E. Individual 06/10/2024 Case 2023-71
Morris, Richard R., P.E. Individual 09/15/2014 Case 2013-89
Morrison, B. Darrell, P.E. Individual 11/13/2017 Case 2016-63
Morvant, Mark J., P.E. Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2016-19
Murphy, Deric J., P.E. Individual 01/19/2016 Case 2013-113
Murphy, Michael J., P.E. Individual 07/25/2011 Case 2011-17
Nangia, Chander P., P.E. (1) Individual 03/08/2010 Case 2008-110
Nangia, Chander P., P.E. (2) Individual 06/08/2020 Case 2019-8
Nangia, Robert V., P.E. Individual 10/11/2021 Case 2020-36
Nguyen, Lam T., SR., P.E. Individual 01/12/2013 Case 2012-59
Nicholson, Tommy E. III, P.E. Individual 10/11/2021 Case 2021-19
Norris, James M., II, P.L.S. Individual 07/23/2012 Case 2011-93
O'Reilly David O., P.E. Individual 01/23/2023 Case 2022-5
Owens, Brian K. P.E. Individual 11/05/2018 Case 2018-66
Palarz, Thomas A., Jr., P.E. Individual 04/08/2019 Case 2018-57
Palmatary, Tyler A. Individual 02/01/2022 Case 2020-82
Palmer, James E., III, P.E. Individual 04/08/2019 Case 2018-31
Pappas, Dino M., P.E. Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2018-45
Pappas, Kosta J., P.E. Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2018-44
Pastureau, Everett J. Individual 07/21/2014 Case 2013-70
Patel, Ashokkumar T., P.E. Individual 06/18/2018 Case 2016-32
Patel, Krunal M., P.E. Individual 07/29/2024 Case 2023-40
Patterson, David L., P.L.S. Individual 11/13/2017 Case 2016-40
Pegues, Lewis K., P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2021-82
Perkin, Gregg S., P.E. Individual 07/21/2014 Case 2013-38
Perko, Howard A., P.E. Individual 05/16/2016 Case 2015-30
Pittman, Thomas E., P.E. (1) Individual 01/12/2008 Case 2007-203
Pittman, Thomas E., P.E. (2) Individual 01/19/2016 Case 2015-2
Pitts, James M., P.E. Individual 05/24/2021 Case 2021-17
Potier, Robert W., P.E. (1) Individual 10/26/2020 Case 2018-103
Potier, Robert W., P.E. (2) Individual 06/05/2023 Case 2022-63
Pounds, Thomas L., III, P.E. Individual 07/18/2016 Case 2015-75
Priest, Arwin D., P.E. Individual 11/21/2011 Case 2011-6
Primeaux, Andrew D., P.E., P.L.S. Individual 05/22/2009 Case 2008-9
Pugh, Michael L., P.E. Individual 06/08/2020 Case 2019-62
Quick, Leonard C., P.E. Individual 11/16/2015 Case 2015-14
Rainey, Lester G., P.L.S. Individual 01/12/2009 Case 2005-24
Ray, Rodney A., P.L.S. Individual 11/19/2012 Case 2012-5
Rayner, Benjamin A., P.E. Individual 07/29/2024 Case 2024-18
Redwine, Nathan C. Individual 11/22/2012 Case 2008-12
Reed, Thomas P., SR., P.E., P.L.S. Individual 03/19/2012 Case 2009-70
Reuter, James V., III, P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2022-9
Rinehart, Adam D., P.E. Individual 06/05/2023 Case 2022-54
Robert, James H. Individual 07/23/2012 Case 2011-128
Robertson, Correen C., P.E. Individual 01/11/2021 Case 2017-29
Rogers, Glenn Individual 01/30/2018 Case 2016-15
Roland, Kenneth L., P.E. Individual 04/22/2024 Case 2023-75
Roseman, Daniel R., P.E. Individual 10/11/2021 Case 2020-44
Rubalcava, Anthony A., P.E. Individual 07/27/2015 Case 2014-29
Scalfano, David B., P.E., P.L.S. Individual 07/25/2011 Case 2010-69
Schaub, Stephen W., P.E. Individual 01/23/2023 Case 2022-69
Schlumpf, William R., P.E. Individual 01/23/2023 Case 2022-70
Schmidt, Matthew J., P.E. Individual 01/18/2012 Case 2011-40
Schmidt, Michael G. Individual 06/18/2018 Case 2014-46
Schmutz, Jason T., P.E. Individual 02/04/2025 Case 2023-62
Scott, Paul G., P.E. Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2019-26
Seidel, Darin T., P.E. Individual 01/11/2021 Case 2020-79
Serrano, Paul E., P.E. Individual 06/10/2019 Case 2018-75
Shen, Bin, P.E. Individual 05/13/2009 Case 2007-214
Shipley, Kraig S., P.E. Individual 01/22/2014 Case 2013-21
Shreve, James G. Individual 07/18/2016 Case 2015-5
Simpson, Mitchell D., P.E. Individual 01/11/2021 Case 2020-31
Sinharoy, Santanu, P.E. Individual 09/10/2018 Case 2018-42
Sipes, John P. Individual 05/20/2013 Case 2012-52
Sloan, Rhett P., P.L.S. Individual 10/26/2020 Case 2020-11
Smith, Frank K. Individual 09/15/2014 Case 2014-1
Smith, Thomas M., P.E. Individual 11/13/2017 Case 2014-48
Spellman, Floyd E., III, P.E. Individual 09/16/2013 Case 2013-69
Spence, Gregory S., P.E. Individual 09/09/2019 Case 2018-107
Sprawls, Desmond C., P.E., P.L.S. Individual 07/21/2014 Case 2013-66
St. Romain, Charles R., P.E., P.L.S. Individual 03/16/2015 Case 2013-68
Stephens, Michael E., P.E. Individual 01/11/2021 Case 2020-97
Stevens, Charles D., III, P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2021-47
Stewart, Robert C. Individual 09/15/2014 Case 2013-77
Storm, Gary A., P.E. Individual 04/22/2024 Case 2023-57
Sullivan, George D., P.L.S. Individual 11/16/2015 Case 2015-3
Sung, Hung-Ming, P.E. Individual 05/16/2016 Case 2015-72
Talley, John B., III, P.L.S. Individual 07/19/2010 Case 2010-16
Tate, Beau J., P.E. Individual 06/08/2020 Case 2019-63
Tate, Steven E., P.E. Individual 05/20/2013 Case 2012-109
Thibodeaux, Jean M., P.E. Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2017-38
Thomey, Mark A., P.E. Individual 11/22/2010 Case 2010-52
Thornton, David Reid, P.E. Individual 01/22/2014 Case 2013-22
Tieaskie, Timothy J., P.E. Individual 02/01/2022 Case 2021-52
Timmons, Brian J., P.E. Individual 09/10/2018 Case 2018-7
Townsend, James W., P.L.S. Individual 09/09/2019 Case 2009-69
Trimbath Bryan R. P.E. Individual 11/05/2018 Case 2018-19
Tucker, Larry M. Individual 03/16/2015 Case 2014-11
Turner, James F., II, P.E. Individual 11/19/2012 Case 2012-4
Turner, Stanley K., P.L.S. Individual 09/24/2012 Case 2012-9
Uzman, Zeyn B., P.E. Individual 01/11/2021 Case 2020-18
Valdes, Raul E., P.E. Individual 06/05/2023 Case 2022-61
Vasquez, Jairzinho O., P.E. Individual 03/26/2009 Case 2008-75
Wang, Jian-Ming E., P.E. Individual 03/13/2017 Case 2015-32
Ward, Jason L., P.E. Individual 02/01/2022 Case 2021-31
Ward, Randall E., P.L.S. Individual 05/21/2013 Case 2012-107
Ward, Steven R., P.E. Individual 09/10/2018 Case 2018-47
Watson, Clarence N., P.E. Individual 05/10/2010 Case 2009-101
Wiedenman, Martin J., P.E. Individual 01/11/2021 Case 2020-32
Wilson, John L., P.E. Individual 11/18/2019 Case 2019-28
Wintz, John B., P.E. Individual 04/08/2019 Case 2018-24
Wright, James E., Jr., P.E. Individual 04/10/2018 Case 2017-54
Wright, Stephen E., P.E. Individual 07/25/2022 Case 2021-95
Wynne, Gerald T. Individual 06/18/2018 Case 2017-62
Wynne, Gerald T., P.E. Individual 07/29/2024 Case 2024-24
Zehner, Walter F., III, P.E. (1) Individual 07/19/2010 Case 2009-69
Zehner, Walter F., III, P.E. (2) Individual 09/09/2019 Case 2016-16
21 Design Group, Inc. Firm 10/11/2021 Case 2021-33
A&A Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineers, LTD. LLC Firm 05/23/2022 Case 2021-60
A2H, Inc. Firm 09/09/2019 Case 2018-3
Acadian Engineers & Environmental Consultants Inc. Firm 04/08/2019 Case 2014-52
Accu-Line Surveying, Inc. Firm 09/20/2010 Case 2010-65
Acertus Consulting Group, LLC Firm 09/10/2018 Case 2018-4
Acuren Inspection, Inc. Firm 07/25/2022 Case 2020-112
Albert Architecture & Urban Design, APLLC Firm 07/25/2022 Case 2021-38
Aldrete & Sons Shoring Co., Inc. Firm 11/18/2019 Case 2017-46
Alliance Wood Group Engineering, L.P. Firm 01/31/2011 Case 2010-21
Allied Engineering Design, LLC Firm 04/22/2024 Case 2023-59
Altieri Sebor Wieber, LLC Firm 10/26/2020 Case 2020-15
Alvine and Associates, Inc. Firm 01/22/2014 Case 2012-135
Amec Foster Wheeler USA Corporation Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2014-38
AMEC Paragon, Inc. Firm 07/25/2011 Case 2010-36
AMMTEC Consultants PLLC Firm 04/22/2024 Case 2022-11
Anderson Engineering Company, Inc. of Utah Firm 11/18/2019 Case 2017-50
Argus Architecture Engineering, L.L.C. Firm 11/17/2014 Case 2014-23
Arrow Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Firm 11/14/2016 Case 2013-105
Associated Design Group, Inc. Firm 04/10/2018 Case 2017-57
Associated Engineering, Inc. Firm 11/18/2019 Case 2019-23
Audubon Field Solutions, LLC Firm 09/28/2015 Case 2015-1
Badeaux Engineers Incorporated Firm 02/01/2022 Case 2021-51
Barnes Engineering Company, Inc. Firm 11/18/2019 Case 2017-60
BBC Engineering, Inc., A Division of Forte and Tablada, Inc. Firm 07/21/2014 Case 2013-100
BC Engineers, Inc. of Kansas Firm 01/11/2021 Case 2020-47
Beaudette Consulting Engineers, Incorporated Firm 01/18/2012 Case 2010-116
Bickford Surveys, LLC Firm 06/08/2020 Case 2018-5
Blandco, L.L.C. Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2016-4
Bradford Engineering Services, LLC Firm 10/30/2023 Case 2021-30
Briones Consulting & Engineering, Ltd. Firm 11/21/2011 Case 2011-32
Brough and Stephens, Inc. Firm 01/11/2021 Case 2020-83
Browder + Leguizamon and Associates Inc. Firm 11/05/2018 Case 2018-8
Brown and Caldwell, Inc. Firm 07/19/2010 Case 2010-27
BSE Structural Engineers, L.L.C. Firm 11/18/2019 Case 2018-82
C.P.S. Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc. Firm 10/11/2021 Case 2020-100
C3E Geomatics LLC Firm 04/10/2018 Case 2016-56
Cable-Lock Foundation Repair, Inc. Firm 07/25/2011 Case 2009-90
Carubba Engineering, Inc. Firm 09/10/2018 Case 2015-11
Caruso Turley Scott, Inc Firm 11/18/2019 Case 2019-25
Case 2011-117 Firm 11/19/2012 Case 2011-117
Case 2012-17 Firm 03/11/2013 Case 2012-17
CBC Engineers & Associates Ltd. L L C Firm 01/18/2012 Case 2011-59
Chapman Consulting Inc. Firm 07/22/2013 Case 2012-103
Charters Technical Services, L.L.C. Firm 04/10/2018 Case 2017-36
Cimation, L.L.C. Firm 11/19/2012 Case 2012-54
Commercial & Industrial Layout, Inc. Firm 04/10/2018 Case 2015-89
Commercial Site Design, PLLC Firm 09/10/2018 Case 2018-62
Compliance Consultants, Inc. Firm 03/17/2014 Case 2013-60
Consulting Construction Engineering, L.L.C. Firm 11/05/2018 Case 2018-12
Cornerstone Engineering, Inc. Firm 04/10/2018 Case 2017-52
Cost Segregation Services, Inc. Firm 07/18/2016 Case 2014-6
Crafton, Tull & Associates, Inc. Firm 07/25/2022 Case 2021-79
D and R Environmental Consulting, Inc. Firm 03/08/2010 Case 2008-92
D. Kelley & Associates, Inc. Firm 07/06/2010 Case 2010-49
D.H. Charles Engineering, Inc. Firm 07/25/2011 Case 2011-13
David W. Backstedt, Jr., L.L.C. Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2016-24
DBR Engineering Consultants, Inc Firm 04/22/2024 Case 2023-74
DoC Mapping, L.L.C. Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2015-38
DSC Engineering, Inc. Firm 06/10/2024 Case 2023-36
Earthcore, LLC Firm 01/19/2016 Case 2015-23
EDS Inc. Firm 06/05/2023 Case 2022-49
Egen, LLC Firm 06/05/2023 Case 2022-55
EJA Partners, L.L.C. (1) Firm 11/21/2011 Case 2009-92
EJA Partners, L.L.C. (2) Firm 09/18/2017 Case 2015-41
EJA Partners, LLC Firm 10/10/2022 Case 2021-81
Elara Energy Services, Inc. Firm 10/26/2020 Case 2020-14
Energy & Resource Consulting Group, LLC Firm 01/19/2010 Case 2009-99
Energy Access Solutions, LLC Firm 04/08/2019 Case 2017-25
Energy Logistics Group, LLC Firm 01/28/2015 Case 2013-78
Engineering Partners International, Incorporated Firm 07/21/2014 Case 2013-39
Engineers-Northwest, Inc., P.S. Firm 10/11/2021 Case 2021-4
ENGlobal U.S., Inc. Firm 01/22/2014 Case 2012-137
ENSO Engineering, Inc. Firm 06/10/2019 Case 2018-74
ENTECH Engineering, Inc. Firm 01/11/2021 Case 2020-30
Environmental Resources Management-Southwest, Inc. Firm 05/10/2010 Case 2009-111
Environmental System Design and Management, Inc.
a/k/a ESDM, Inc.
Firm 01/19/2010 Case 2011-9
Existing Structures Engineering, Inc. Firm 01/11/2021 Case 2020-40
Fastgrid, LLC Firm 01/23/2023 Case 2022-52
Ferrell Engineering, Inc. Firm 07/21/2014 Case 2013-110
Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation Firm 10/26/2020 Case 2020-16
Freeland-Clinkscales & Associates, Inc. of N.C. Firm 06/01/2015 Case 2013-104
G. R. Stucker and Associates, Inc. Firm 07/22/2013 Case 2013-40
Garner Engineering, P.A. Firm 09/19/2011 Case 2010-107
General Engineering and Construction, Inc. Firm 07/19/2010 Case 2009-61
Gurtler Bros. Consultants, Inc. (1) Firm 01/28/2015 Case 2013-67
Gurtler Bros. Consultants, Inc. (2) Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2015-56
GZA Geoenvironmental, Inc. Firm 04/08/2019 Case 2018-20
Hagen Engineering International, Inc. Firm 07/25/2011 Case 2011-7
Hardy Engineering, Inc. Firm 10/11/2021 Case 2020-35
Harrison Engineering, LLC Firm 11/21/2011 Case 2010-122
Hebert Professional Services, Inc. Firm 06/08/2020 Case 2017-67
Hill Lewis Wrenn, LLC Firm 07/25/2011 Case 2010-57
Hitachi Architects & Engineers Co. Ltd. Firm 01/22/2019 Case 2018-53
HRST, Inc. Firm 11/19/2012 Case 2012-22
HTS, Inc. Consultants Firm 11/13/2017 Case 2017-33
Humming Bird & Associates, Inc. Firm 07/25/2011 Case 2010-20
Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC Firm 05/23/2022 Case 2020-50
Integrated Food Engineering LLC Firm 09/23/2024 Case 2024-10
Integrated Management Services, P.A., Inc. (1) Firm 01/28/2015 Case 2013-16
Integrated Management Services, P.A., Inc. (2) Firm 01/28/2015 Case 2014-13
Island Structures Engineering, P.C. Corp Firm 01/23/2023 Case 2022-66
Istre Engineering Services, Inc. Firm 10/26/2020 Case 2018-100
J. Martin Pitts, PE, LLC Firm 05/24/2021 Case 2021-16
J. Thibodeaux and Associates, LLC Firm 04/10/2018 Case 2017-39
James F. Turner Engineers, LP Firm 11/19/2012 Case 2011-87
Jedson Engineering, Inc. Firm 07/18/2016 Case 2015-66
J-M Matkin & Associates, Ltd. Firm 10/10/2022 Case 2021-42
John B. Talley & Associates, Inc. Firm 07/19/2010 Case 2010-46
John Beath Environmental LLC Firm 02/27/2024 Case 2021-58
John Bertin Wintz, P.E., LLC Firm 04/08/2019 Case 2018-25
John Dunlap Land Surveying, Inc. Firm 10/30/2023 Case 2022-20
John L. Wilson & Associates, Inc. Firm 11/18/2019 Case 2019-27
Johnson, Spellman & Associates, Inc. Firm 09/16/2013 Case 2013-41
Jones Environmental, Inc. Firm 07/25/2011 Case 2010-91
Kahuna Ventures LLC Firm 11/19/2012 Case 2012-29
Kelly's Industrial Services, Inc. Firm 06/01/2015 Case 2013-79
KGS Oilfield Rentals, LLC Firm 01/30/2018 Case 2016-45
King Engineering Consultants, PLLC Firm 07/24/2023 Case 2021-84
Kurzynske & Associates Firm 11/04/2024 Case 2024-45
L.T. Mapping Services, Inc. Firm 03/16/2015 Case 2013-80
Lamb Services, Inc. Firm 11/14/2016 Case 2015-42
L-CON, Inc. Firm 09/19/2016 Case 2014-25
Leap Associates International Inc. Firm 11/05/2018 Case 2018-17
Leonard C. Quick & Assoc., Inc. Firm 11/16/2015 Case 2015-15
Lester Martin Jr. & Associates L.L.C. Firm 09/10/2018 Case 2018-26
Lewis Engineering, L.L.C. Firm 05/10/2010 Case 2010-9
Linx Electric, L.L.C. Firm 09/16/2013 Case 2012-131
Logical Systems, LLC Firm 09/28/2015 Case 2014-53
Magnum Geo-Solutions, LLC Firm 05/16/2016 Case 2015-31
Map Design Group, LLC Firm 01/11/2021 Case 2019-55
Marino Engineering Associates, Inc. Firm 09/24/2012 Case 2011-118
Mark J. Morvant, P.E., LLC Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2016-18
MDM Services Inc. of Louisiana Firm 09/15/2014 Case 2013-88
Miller, Blunt & Associates, L.L.C. Firm 07/23/2012 Case 2011-123
Minick Engineering, Inc. Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2016-34
MKK Consulting Engineerings, Inc. Firm 01/18/2010 Case 2009-83
Mo Mon Tai, Inc. Firm 07/24/2023 Case 2023-5
Moody Surveying, L.L.C. Firm 05/15/2011 Case 2010-111
MSP Engineering Group, PLLC Firm 06/18/2018 Case 2017-63
National Foundation Repair, Inc. Firm 06/18/2018 Case 2016-27
NCR Environmental and Engineering Consulting, Inc. Firm 11/22/2010 Case 2008-89
NEHIL - SIVAK, P.C. - Corporation Firm 04/08/2019 Case 2018-56
NEKO Solutions, LLC Firm 09/19/2016 Case 2015-82
NewFields Environmental & Engineering, LLC Firm 09/15/2014 Case 2013-120
Norris and Associates, Inc. Firm 07/23/2012 Case 2011-92
Northeast Technical Services Co., Inc. Firm 06/10/2024 Case 2023-47
Norton and Schmidt Consulting Engineers, L.L.C. Firm 01/22/2014 Case 2013-11
Olsson Industrial Electric, Inc Firm 02/04/2025 Case 2023-63
Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2016-37
Palmer Engineering Firm, L.L.C. Firm 04/08/2019 Case 2018-30
Partner Assessment Corporation Firm 02/01/2022 Case 2020-80
PENTA Engineering Company, LLC Firm 09/19/2016 Case 2015-68
Peter Allain, PE, LLC Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2016-22
Petro Land Services South, LLC Firm 09/15/2014 Case 2013-53
Petroleum Engineers, Inc. Firm 03/08/2010 Case 2009-106
Pond & Company Firm 11/22/2010 Case 2010-51
Pontchartrain Engineers & Surveyors, Inc. Firm 05/20/2013 Case 2012-102
Poole Engineers Firm 05/10/2010 Case 2009-12
Prairie Engineers, P.C., Corporation Firm 02/04/2025 Case 2024-36
Prater Engineering Associates, Inc. Firm 06/05/2023 Case 2022-45
Precision Engineering Group, LLC Firm 01/28/2020 Case 2019-18
Priest Engineering, Inc. Firm 11/21/2011 Case 2010-117
Proficient Engineering, Inc. Firm 07/25/2022 Case 2021-90
Progressive Engineering & Construction, Inc. Firm 05/16/2016 Case 2015-67
Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC Firm 01/19/2016 Case 2015-16
R C H Company, Inc. Firm 01/19/2016 Case 2015-22
Raymond L. Goodson, Jr., Inc. Firm 06/10/2024 Case 2023-43
Rayner Consulting Group, L.L.C. Firm 07/29/2024 Case 2024-17
RE/SPEC Inc. Firm 04/08/2019 Case 2016-29
Red Dot Corporation Firm 01/08/2007 Case 2006-36
Reed, Wells, Benson and Company Corporation Firm 11/05/2018 Case 2018-35
Rendon Construction LLC Firm 03/20/2012 Case 2010-74
Republic National, Inc. Firm 07/27/2015 Case 2014-49
Richard L. Holm, LLC Firm 03/13/2017 Case 2016-20
Ridge & Associates, Inc. Firm 03/22/2021 Case 2020-85
Robert D. Lee Consulting Engineers, Inc. (1) Firm 11/19/2012 Case 2011-35
Robert D. Lee Consulting Engineers, Inc. (2) Firm 11/19/2012 Case 2012-75
Robson Forensic, Inc. Firm 01/22/2013 Case 2011-33
Ross & Baruzzini, Inc. Firm 09/09/2019 Case 2017-55
Royal Engineers and Consultants, L.L.C. Firm 06/08/2020 Case 2019-61
R-Squared Global, L.L.C. Firm 11/19/2012 Case 2011-73
S. E. Consultants, Inc. Firm 01/23/2023 Case 2022-68
Sage Environmental Consulting, L.P. Firm 06/18/2018 Case 2016-31
Scalfano Engineering, Inc. Firm 07/25/2011 Case 2010-70
Screening System International, Inc. Firm 11/19/2012 Case 2011-108
Shaw Coastal, Inc. Firm 01/18/2010 Case 2009-98
Smith Emery Laboratories, Inc. Firm 04/22/2024 Case 2023-48
Smith Engineering Company, Inc. Firm 09/15/2014 Case 2013-114
SPEC, L.L.C. (1) Firm 10/26/2020 Case 2018-102
SPEC, L.L.C. (2) Firm 06/05/2023 Case 2022-48
Spectro Chem, L.L.C. Firm 05/10/2010 Case 2009-102
SRF Group Consulting, LLC Firm 06/18/2018 Case 2014-47
Stonewall Consulting LLC Firm 11/18/2019 Case 2016-50
Structure Sight LLC Firm 10/11/2021 Case 2021-14
Structures America Innovative Engineering, PLC Firm 03/11/2013 Case 2012-19
Submar, Inc. Firm 05/15/2017 Case 2015-35
Syntergy, L.L.C. Firm 07/21/2014 Case 2013-71
TEEMCO, LLC Firm 01/28/2015 Case 2013-09
Telecad Wireless Site Design Inc Firm 07/25/2022 Case 2021-92
The Dimension Group I, LP Firm 07/25/2022 Case 2022-1
The Equity Engineering Group, Inc. Firm 01/22/2014 Case 2012-133
The Integration Group of Americas, Inc. Firm 10/10/2022 Case 2021-7
The Map Group, Inc. Firm 01/11/2021 Case 2017-28
Thermon Heat Tracing Services-II, Inc. Firm 04/29/2013 Case 2012-41
TKE Engineering & Design, Inc. Firm 07/23/2012 Case 2011-53
Toby Dugas Engineering, LLC Firm 01/28/2020 Case 2019-45
Tomarco Contractor Specialties, Inc. Firm 07/27/2015 Case 2013-119
Tompkins Surveying & Mapping, LLC Firm 10/26/2020 Case 2020-10
Total Engineers LLC Firm 07/29/2024 Case 2023-39
Toyo Engineering Corporation Firm 04/10/2018 Case 2016-58
Trachte Building Systems, Inc. Firm 06/10/2024 Case 2023-70
Trinity Consultants, Inc. Firm 05/16/2016 Case 2015-71
Triteq, Inc. Firm 11/05/2018 Case 2018-39
Turner Surveys LLC Firm 09/24/2012 Case 2012-8
U.P. Engineers and Architects, Inc. Firm 07/25/2022 Case 2021-94
U.S. Aquatics, Inc. Firm 10/11/2021 Case 2020-45
Ulteig Engineers, Inc. Firm 10/11/2021 Case 2021-37
United Consulting Group, Ltd. Firm 09/10/2018 Case 2018-41
Versabar, Inc. Firm 05/15/2017 Case 2015-34
Vrettos Pappas Consulting Engineers, P.A., Inc. Firm 11/18/2019 Case 2018-43
Ward, Getz & Associates, LLP Firm 09/10/2018 Case 2018-46
Water Technology, Inc. of Wisconsin Firm 11/04/2024 Case 2024-42
Watson Engineering, Inc. Firm 05/10/2010 Case 2009-103
Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. Firm 04/22/2024 Case 2023-72
Becker Engineering, Inc. Firm 02/04/2025 Case 2024-73
Property Imaging Experts, LLC Firm 02/04/2025 Case 2024-64