Abolhassani, Ali, P.E. | Individual | 06/10/2019 | Case 2018-104 |
Abu-Yasein, Omar A., P.E. | Individual | 05/23/2022 | Case 2021-74 |
Aldrete, George A., P.E. Retired | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2017-45 |
Alexander, Lee M., P.E. | Individual | 11/16/2015 | Case 2015-12 |
Allain, Peter A., P.E. | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-23 |
Alvine, Douglas R., P.E. | Individual | 01/22/2014 | Case 2013-92 |
Alvine, Steven T., P.E. | Individual | 01/22/2014 | Case 2013-93 |
Amy, Alvin A., P.E. | Individual | 07/19/2010 | Case 2008-148 |
Anderson, John C., P.E. | Individual | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-40 |
Anderson, Steven D., P.E. | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2017-51 |
Ansa, Emmanuel E., P.E. | Individual | 01/22/2014 | Case 2012-111 |
Argus, Ballard L., P.E. | Individual | 01/28/2015 | Case 2014-24 |
Arias, Gabriel S., P.E. | Individual | 04/22/2024 | Case 2023-55 |
Armenta, Brian M., III, P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2022-6 |
Atkins, James T., Jr. | Individual | 01/28/2015 | Case 2014-07 |
Aucoin, Karl. J., P.E. | Individual | 05/20/2013 | Case 2012-106 |
Aucoin, Stewart A., P.E. | Individual | 04/08/2019 | Case 2014-51 |
Avant, Tommy J., P.E. (1) | Individual | 01/28/2015 | Case 2013-45 |
Avant, Tommy J., P.E. (2) | Individual | 01/28/2015 | Case 2014-14 |
Backstedt, David W., Jr., P.E. | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-25 |
Badeaux, Michael H., P.E. | Individual | 02/01/2022 | Case 2021-89 |
Bailey, Jamie L., P.E. | Individual | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-14 |
Barbera, Beau A., P.E. | Individual | 01/23/2023 | Case 2021-67 |
Barnes, Donald A., P.E. | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2017-61 |
Barrett, Craig T., P.E. | Individual | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-18 |
Barrilleaux, Robert C., P.E. | Individual | 09/16/2013 | Case 2012-80 |
Beath, John M. | Individual | 02/27/2024 | Case 2021-96 |
Beccard, Robert W., P.E. | Individual | 05/24/2021 | Case 2020-96 |
Becker, Gregory T., P.E. | Individual | 02/04/2025 | Case 2024-74 |
Begley, James P., P.E. | Individual | 07/24/2023 | Case 2022-71 |
Bell, Kevin M. | Individual | 06/18/2018 | Case 2016-26 |
Benavides, Francisco M., P.E. | Individual | 09/19/2016 | Case 2015-76 |
Best, Charles F., P.E. | Individual | 09/19/2011 | Case 2010-108 |
Bibaeff, John A., Jr., P.E. | Individual | 11/14/2016 | Case 2016-44 |
Blanchette, Lawrence W., P.E. | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-58 |
Blunt, Larry P., P.E. | Individual | 07/23/2012 | Case 2011-124 |
Bodin, William J. Jr., P.E., P.L.S. (1) | Individual | 11/18/2009 | Case 2007-64 |
Bodin, William J. Jr., P.E., P.L.S. (2) | Individual | 09/20/2010 | Case 2010-56 |
Bodin, William J. Jr., P.E., P.L.S. (3) | Individual | 03/17/2014 | Case 2012-97 |
Bodin, William J. Jr., P.E., P.L.S. (4) | Individual | 10/26/2020 | Case 2018-81 |
Boehringer, Kevin S., P.E. | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2018-83 |
Boon, David M., P.E. | Individual | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-13 |
Boonjindasup, Anan, P.E. | Individual | 01/28/2015 | Case 2013-107 |
Boudreaux, David F., P.E. | Individual | 11/16/2015 | Case 2013-98 |
Brabham, Brett M., P.E. | Individual | 09/22/2009 | Case 2009-60 |
Bradford, Edward C., P.E. | Individual | 10/30/2023 | Case 2021-29 |
Brian, Eugene A., P.E. (1) | Individual | 09/24/2012 | Case 2011-91 |
Brian, Eugene A., P.E. (2) | Individual | 05/15/2017 | Case 2015-49 |
Brown, Paul L., P.E. | Individual | 07/20/2009 | Case 2008-46 |
Burchett, William B., P.E. | Individual | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-63 |
Burgason, Brady, P.E. | Individual | 01/23/2023 | Case 2022-53 |
Calcara, Jasper B., P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2011 | Case 2011-47 |
Campbell, Robert C., II, P.E. | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-59 |
Carubba, Roy M., P.E. | Individual | 09/10/2018 | Case 2014-42 |
Case 2011-58 | Individual | 03/20/2012 | Case 2011-58 |
Case 2012-25 | Individual | 11/19/2012 | Case 2012-25 |
Case 2012-26 | Individual | 07/23/2012 | Case 2012-26 |
Chapman, Leland R., P.E. | Individual | 07/12/2013 | Case 2013-59 |
Charters, Samuel B., P.E. | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-35 |
Clark, Michael D., P.E. | Individual | 04/22/2024 | Case 2023-73 |
Clary, Noel K., P.E. | Individual | 04/22/2024 | Case 2023-60 |
Clinkscales, Fulton V., Jr., P.L.S. | Individual | 06/01/2015 | Case 2013-103 |
Cole, Samuel D. IV, P.E. | Individual | 09/28/2015 | Case 2013-117 |
Collins, Timothy L., P.L.S. | Individual | 10/11/2021 | Case 2020-99 |
Cook, Keith B. | Individual | 01/28/2015 | Case 2014-33 |
Crook, Barrett C., P.E. | Individual | 07/24/2023 | Case 2022-24 |
Davezac, Ray A., P.E. | Individual | 11/21/2011 | Case 2010-62 |
Derouen, Myles | Individual | 11/05/2018 | Case 2016-49 |
Dixon, C. Randall, P.L.S. | Individual | 09/22/2009 | Case 2008-82 |
Dugas, Toby G., P.E. | Individual | 01/28/2020 | Case 2019-44 |
Dumack, Heath A., P.E. | Individual | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-54 |
Dunlap, John G., P.L.S. | Individual | 10/30/2023 | Case 2022-19 |
Dupre, Larry J., PE | Individual | 09/19/2016 | Case 2015-64 |
Dyer, George M. | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2015-24 |
Ehlers, John Manfred, P.E. | Individual | 10/30/2023 | Case 2023-18 |
Eleiott, Terry L. | Individual | 07/07/2012 | Case 2011-111 |
Elmi, Hadi | Individual | 11/21/2011 | Case 2011-8 |
Evans, George A. Jr., P.L.S. | Individual | 02/27/2024 | Case 2023-19 |
Evans, Jack E., P.E. | Individual | 06/05/2023 | Case 2022-46 |
Evetts, James B., P.E. | Individual | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-41 |
Fairburn, Alvin A., Jr., P.L.S. | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2015-62 |
Ferrell, Marshall T., P.E. | Individual | 07/21/2014 | Case 2013-111 |
Field, Mary M., P.E. | Individual | 03/17/2014 | Case 2012-74 |
Field, Stephen D., P.E. | Individual | 03/17/2014 | Case 2012-73 |
Fitzgerald, Walter J., P.E. | Individual | 09/22/2009 | Case 2009-2 |
Flynn, Stephen P., P.L.S. | Individual | 09/15/2014 | Case 2013-83 |
Foss, Ronald T., P.E. | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2019-24 |
Fowler, John A., P.E. | Individual | 02/01/2022 | Case 2021-2 |
Freber, Brian W., P.E. | Individual | 11/04/2024 | Case 2024-43 |
Fulk, Kenneth M., P.E. | Individual | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-36 |
Fussell, Darrell R., P.E. | Individual | 11/14/2016 | Case 2013-63 |
Gardner, Thomas M., P.E. | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-38 |
Garrett, James N., III, P.E. | Individual | 11/14/2016 | Case 2015-58 |
Gaspard, Melanie V., P.E. | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-5 |
Germ, John F., P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2011 | Case 2011-18 |
Graham, Thomas S., P.E. | Individual | 06/10/2024 | Case 2023-35 |
Green, Eric C., P.E. | Individual | 09/22/2009 | Case 2008-77 |
Greywall, Paul F., P.E. | Individual | 05/16/2016 | Case 2015-73 |
Gurtler, Friedrich W. L., P.E. (1) | Individual | 01/28/2015 | Case 2013-102 |
Gurtler, Friedrich W. L., P.E. (2) | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2015-55 |
Gurtler, Michael K. A. | Individual | 01/28/2015 | Case 2013-101 |
Hagen, Ty J., P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2011 | Case 2010-26 |
Haight, Edward C., P.E. | Individual | 05/13/2009 | Case 2007-230 |
Haisty, Ronny C., Jr., P.E., P.L.S. | Individual | 01/19/2016 | Case 2015-21 |
Hardy, Timothy L., P.E. | Individual | 10/11/2021 | Case 2020-105 |
Harper, Larry R. | Individual | 11/17/2014 | Case 2014-12 |
Harrison, Edsel R. Jr., P.E. | Individual | 11/21/2011 | Case 2011-56 |
Hartman, Jan J., P.E. Inactive | Individual | 10/10/2022 | Case 2022-16 |
Hasan, Afsar, III, P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2022-3 |
Hathorn, Jason S., P.E. (1) | Individual | 09/24/2012 | Case 2011-106 |
Hathorn, Jason S., P.E. (2) | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2017-64 |
Heaslip, James B., II, P.E. | Individual | 10/10/2022 | Case 2022-17 |
Hebert, John O., III, P.L.S. (1) | Individual | 06/08/2020 | Case 2017-9 |
Hebert, John O., III, P.L.S. (2) | Individual | 02/04/2025 | Case 2024-21 |
Hesseltine, Terry L., III, P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2022-2 |
Hice, Jonnae L., P.E. | Individual | 02/01/2022 | Case 2020-81 |
Hilger, Peter A., P.E. | Individual | 01/28/2020 | Case 2019-19 |
Hirsch, Leonard H., P.E. | Individual | 09/28/2015 | Case 2013-106 |
Holm, Richard L., P.E. | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-21 |
Honore', Dalton W., II, P.E., P.L.S. (1) | Individual | 01/13/2009 | Case 2006-66 |
Honore', Dalton W., II, P.E., P.L.S. (2) | Individual | 09/19/2011 | Case 2009-73 |
Horridge, Steven M., P.E. | Individual | 04/04/2009 | Case 2008-51 |
Hossenlopp, David P., P.E. | Individual | 06/10/2024 | Case 2023-79 |
Hull, John T., P.E. | Individual | 09/19/2016 | Case 2014-35 |
Hunt, Stephen E., P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-93 |
Hutson, Edward P., Jr., P.E. | Individual | 01/22/2014 | Case 2013-23 |
Istre, Dexter G., P.E. | Individual | 10/26/2020 | Case 2018-101 |
Jaafar, Abdou M., P.E. | Individual | 01/28/2020 | Case 2019-20 |
Jackson, Louis L., P.E. | Individual | 05/15/2017 | Case 2014-45 |
James, Michael E., P.L.S. | Individual | 06/08/2020 | Case 2018-15 |
Johnson, Christopher T., P.E. | Individual | 02/01/2022 | Case 2020-90 |
Johnson, Kenneth C., P.L.S. | Individual | 09/20/2010 | Case 2010-67 |
Jones, Elmer, P.E. | Individual | 10/10/2022 | Case 2021-80 |
Jones, Elmer, P.E. (1) | Individual | 03/21/2011 | Case 2010-66 |
Jones, Elmer, P.E. (2) | Individual | 07/12/2013 | Case 2012-40 |
Jones, Elmer, P.E. (3) | Individual | 09/18/2017 | Case 2015-40 |
Jones, Robert E., P.E., P.L.S. | Individual | 07/25/2011 | Case 2011-14 |
Kelso, Jerry J., P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2022-18 |
Kendrick, James O., III, P.E. | Individual | 09/15/2014 | Case 2014-28 |
Kenney, John P., III, P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-91 |
Khachaturian, Jon E. | Individual | 05/15/2017 | Case 2015-33 |
Khan, Sarmad | Individual | 09/19/2016 | Case 2014-26 |
King, Michael D., P.E. | Individual | 07/24/2023 | Case 2021-85 |
Kirstein, Eric J., P.E. | Individual | 01/22/2019 | Case 2018-54 |
Kleinpeter, Greg | Individual | 06/01/2015 | Case 2014-8 |
Knight, David W. | Individual | 07/25/2011 | Case 2009-108 |
Knudsen, Erik B., P.E. | Individual | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-78 |
Krantz, Eric L., P.E. | Individual | 04/08/2019 | Case 2017-2 |
Kuenzel, Benjamin J., P.E. | Individual | 10/11/2021 | Case 2021-46 |
Lafleur, Blaine S., P.E. | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2016-48 |
Landry, Leo J., Jr. | Individual | 11/14/2016 | Case 2015-78 |
Landry, Phillip J., Jr. | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2016-55 |
Lara, Melvin K., P.E. | Individual | 05/13/2009 | Case 2007-210 |
Lee, Robert D., P.E. (1) | Individual | 07/20/2009 | Case 2007-103 |
Lee, Robert D., P.E. (2) | Individual | 01/19/2012 | Case 2011-98 |
Lee, Robert D., P.E. (3) | Individual | 11/19/2012 | Case 2011-34 |
Leguizamon, Sergio P.E. | Individual | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-9 |
Leitzinger, Michael P., III, P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-48 |
Lejeune, Tom W., P.E. | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-56 |
Leone, Andrew D., P.E. | Individual | 02/04/2025 | Case 2023-45 |
Lewis, Andrew K., P.E. | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-53 |
Linxwiler, Brian T. | Individual | 09/16/2013 | Case 2012-132 |
Logan, David B., P.E. | Individual | 01/28/2020 | Case 2018-120 |
Lorenz, Wayne F., P.E. | Individual | 05/23/2022 | Case 2021-57 |
Loup, Jeffrey J., P.E. | Individual | 01/18/2012 | Case 2010-118 |
Luong, Binh Van | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-23 |
Mannava, Syam S., P.E. | Individual | 03/11/2013 | Case 2012-66 |
Maqbool, Mubashir | Individual | 01/30/2018 | Case 2017-24 |
Marino, Gennaro G., P.E. | Individual | 09/24/2012 | Case 2011-119 |
Martin, Kenny | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2018-116 |
Martin, Lester H., Jr., P.L.S. | Individual | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-27 |
Maslan, Stephen P., P.E. | Individual | 11/16/2015 | Case 2014-9 |
Matkin, John-Mark, P.E. | Individual | 10/10/2022 | Case 2021-73 |
Mayeux, Lurrie B., JR, P.E. | Individual | 01/30/2018 | Case 2015-37 |
Mazur, Gregory, P.E. | Individual | 03/22/2021 | Case 2020-33 |
McKinley, Ron J. | Individual | 11/19/2012 | Case 2011-43 |
McLaren, Michael J., P.E. | Individual | 06/10/2024 | Case 2023-44 |
Mikell, Alan G., P.E. | Individual | 11/21/2011 | Case 2011-46 |
Mikhael, George W., P.E. | Individual | 04/18/2013 | Case 2012-21 |
Mileson, Andrew J., P.E. | Individual | 09/23/2024 | Case 2024-27 |
Miller, Gerald A., P.E. | Individual | 09/24/2012 | Case 2011-125 |
Miller, Jonathan P., P.E. | Individual | 01/24/2023 | Case 2022-62 |
Minick, Mark C., P.E. | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-36 |
Money, Alan E., P.E. | Individual | 04/22/2024 | Case 2022-13 |
Moody, Jeffrey M., P.L.S. | Individual | 05/15/2011 | Case 2010-110 |
Morello, Bridget S., P.E. | Individual | 05/16/2016 | Case 2015-74 |
Mori, Ross T., P.E. | Individual | 06/10/2024 | Case 2023-71 |
Morris, Richard R., P.E. | Individual | 09/15/2014 | Case 2013-89 |
Morrison, B. Darrell, P.E. | Individual | 11/13/2017 | Case 2016-63 |
Morvant, Mark J., P.E. | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-19 |
Murphy, Deric J., P.E. | Individual | 01/19/2016 | Case 2013-113 |
Murphy, Michael J., P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2011 | Case 2011-17 |
Nangia, Chander P., P.E. (1) | Individual | 03/08/2010 | Case 2008-110 |
Nangia, Chander P., P.E. (2) | Individual | 06/08/2020 | Case 2019-8 |
Nangia, Robert V., P.E. | Individual | 10/11/2021 | Case 2020-36 |
Nguyen, Lam T., SR., P.E. | Individual | 01/12/2013 | Case 2012-59 |
Nicholson, Tommy E. III, P.E. | Individual | 10/11/2021 | Case 2021-19 |
Norris, James M., II, P.L.S. | Individual | 07/23/2012 | Case 2011-93 |
O'Reilly David O., P.E. | Individual | 01/23/2023 | Case 2022-5 |
Owens, Brian K. P.E. | Individual | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-66 |
Palarz, Thomas A., Jr., P.E. | Individual | 04/08/2019 | Case 2018-57 |
Palmatary, Tyler A. | Individual | 02/01/2022 | Case 2020-82 |
Palmer, James E., III, P.E. | Individual | 04/08/2019 | Case 2018-31 |
Pappas, Dino M., P.E. | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2018-45 |
Pappas, Kosta J., P.E. | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2018-44 |
Pastureau, Everett J. | Individual | 07/21/2014 | Case 2013-70 |
Patel, Ashokkumar T., P.E. | Individual | 06/18/2018 | Case 2016-32 |
Patel, Krunal M., P.E. | Individual | 07/29/2024 | Case 2023-40 |
Patterson, David L., P.L.S. | Individual | 11/13/2017 | Case 2016-40 |
Pegues, Lewis K., P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-82 |
Perkin, Gregg S., P.E. | Individual | 07/21/2014 | Case 2013-38 |
Perko, Howard A., P.E. | Individual | 05/16/2016 | Case 2015-30 |
Pittman, Thomas E., P.E. (1) | Individual | 01/12/2008 | Case 2007-203 |
Pittman, Thomas E., P.E. (2) | Individual | 01/19/2016 | Case 2015-2 |
Pitts, James M., P.E. | Individual | 05/24/2021 | Case 2021-17 |
Potier, Robert W., P.E. (1) | Individual | 10/26/2020 | Case 2018-103 |
Potier, Robert W., P.E. (2) | Individual | 06/05/2023 | Case 2022-63 |
Pounds, Thomas L., III, P.E. | Individual | 07/18/2016 | Case 2015-75 |
Priest, Arwin D., P.E. | Individual | 11/21/2011 | Case 2011-6 |
Primeaux, Andrew D., P.E., P.L.S. | Individual | 05/22/2009 | Case 2008-9 |
Pugh, Michael L., P.E. | Individual | 06/08/2020 | Case 2019-62 |
Quick, Leonard C., P.E. | Individual | 11/16/2015 | Case 2015-14 |
Rainey, Lester G., P.L.S. | Individual | 01/12/2009 | Case 2005-24 |
Ray, Rodney A., P.L.S. | Individual | 11/19/2012 | Case 2012-5 |
Rayner, Benjamin A., P.E. | Individual | 07/29/2024 | Case 2024-18 |
Redwine, Nathan C. | Individual | 11/22/2012 | Case 2008-12 |
Reed, Thomas P., SR., P.E., P.L.S. | Individual | 03/19/2012 | Case 2009-70 |
Reuter, James V., III, P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2022-9 |
Rinehart, Adam D., P.E. | Individual | 06/05/2023 | Case 2022-54 |
Robert, James H. | Individual | 07/23/2012 | Case 2011-128 |
Robertson, Correen C., P.E. | Individual | 01/11/2021 | Case 2017-29 |
Rogers, Glenn | Individual | 01/30/2018 | Case 2016-15 |
Roland, Kenneth L., P.E. | Individual | 04/22/2024 | Case 2023-75 |
Roseman, Daniel R., P.E. | Individual | 10/11/2021 | Case 2020-44 |
Rubalcava, Anthony A., P.E. | Individual | 07/27/2015 | Case 2014-29 |
Scalfano, David B., P.E., P.L.S. | Individual | 07/25/2011 | Case 2010-69 |
Schaub, Stephen W., P.E. | Individual | 01/23/2023 | Case 2022-69 |
Schlumpf, William R., P.E. | Individual | 01/23/2023 | Case 2022-70 |
Schmidt, Matthew J., P.E. | Individual | 01/18/2012 | Case 2011-40 |
Schmidt, Michael G. | Individual | 06/18/2018 | Case 2014-46 |
Schmutz, Jason T., P.E. | Individual | 02/04/2025 | Case 2023-62 |
Scott, Paul G., P.E. | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2019-26 |
Seidel, Darin T., P.E. | Individual | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-79 |
Serrano, Paul E., P.E. | Individual | 06/10/2019 | Case 2018-75 |
Shen, Bin, P.E. | Individual | 05/13/2009 | Case 2007-214 |
Shipley, Kraig S., P.E. | Individual | 01/22/2014 | Case 2013-21 |
Shreve, James G. | Individual | 07/18/2016 | Case 2015-5 |
Simpson, Mitchell D., P.E. | Individual | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-31 |
Sinharoy, Santanu, P.E. | Individual | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-42 |
Sipes, John P. | Individual | 05/20/2013 | Case 2012-52 |
Sloan, Rhett P., P.L.S. | Individual | 10/26/2020 | Case 2020-11 |
Smith, Frank K. | Individual | 09/15/2014 | Case 2014-1 |
Smith, Thomas M., P.E. | Individual | 11/13/2017 | Case 2014-48 |
Spellman, Floyd E., III, P.E. | Individual | 09/16/2013 | Case 2013-69 |
Spence, Gregory S., P.E. | Individual | 09/09/2019 | Case 2018-107 |
Sprawls, Desmond C., P.E., P.L.S. | Individual | 07/21/2014 | Case 2013-66 |
St. Romain, Charles R., P.E., P.L.S. | Individual | 03/16/2015 | Case 2013-68 |
Stephens, Michael E., P.E. | Individual | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-97 |
Stevens, Charles D., III, P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-47 |
Stewart, Robert C. | Individual | 09/15/2014 | Case 2013-77 |
Storm, Gary A., P.E. | Individual | 04/22/2024 | Case 2023-57 |
Sullivan, George D., P.L.S. | Individual | 11/16/2015 | Case 2015-3 |
Sung, Hung-Ming, P.E. | Individual | 05/16/2016 | Case 2015-72 |
Talley, John B., III, P.L.S. | Individual | 07/19/2010 | Case 2010-16 |
Tate, Beau J., P.E. | Individual | 06/08/2020 | Case 2019-63 |
Tate, Steven E., P.E. | Individual | 05/20/2013 | Case 2012-109 |
Thibodeaux, Jean M., P.E. | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-38 |
Thomey, Mark A., P.E. | Individual | 11/22/2010 | Case 2010-52 |
Thornton, David Reid, P.E. | Individual | 01/22/2014 | Case 2013-22 |
Tieaskie, Timothy J., P.E. | Individual | 02/01/2022 | Case 2021-52 |
Timmons, Brian J., P.E. | Individual | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-7 |
Townsend, James W., P.L.S. | Individual | 09/09/2019 | Case 2009-69 |
Trimbath Bryan R. P.E. | Individual | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-19 |
Tucker, Larry M. | Individual | 03/16/2015 | Case 2014-11 |
Turner, James F., II, P.E. | Individual | 11/19/2012 | Case 2012-4 |
Turner, Stanley K., P.L.S. | Individual | 09/24/2012 | Case 2012-9 |
Uzman, Zeyn B., P.E. | Individual | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-18 |
Valdes, Raul E., P.E. | Individual | 06/05/2023 | Case 2022-61 |
Vasquez, Jairzinho O., P.E. | Individual | 03/26/2009 | Case 2008-75 |
Wang, Jian-Ming E., P.E. | Individual | 03/13/2017 | Case 2015-32 |
Ward, Jason L., P.E. | Individual | 02/01/2022 | Case 2021-31 |
Ward, Randall E., P.L.S. | Individual | 05/21/2013 | Case 2012-107 |
Ward, Steven R., P.E. | Individual | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-47 |
Watson, Clarence N., P.E. | Individual | 05/10/2010 | Case 2009-101 |
Wiedenman, Martin J., P.E. | Individual | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-32 |
Wilson, John L., P.E. | Individual | 11/18/2019 | Case 2019-28 |
Wintz, John B., P.E. | Individual | 04/08/2019 | Case 2018-24 |
Wright, James E., Jr., P.E. | Individual | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-54 |
Wright, Stephen E., P.E. | Individual | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-95 |
Wynne, Gerald T. | Individual | 06/18/2018 | Case 2017-62 |
Wynne, Gerald T., P.E. | Individual | 07/29/2024 | Case 2024-24 |
Zehner, Walter F., III, P.E. (1) | Individual | 07/19/2010 | Case 2009-69 |
Zehner, Walter F., III, P.E. (2) | Individual | 09/09/2019 | Case 2016-16 |
21 Design Group, Inc. | Firm | 10/11/2021 | Case 2021-33 |
A&A Engineering, Civil and Structural Engineers, LTD. LLC | Firm | 05/23/2022 | Case 2021-60 |
A2H, Inc. | Firm | 09/09/2019 | Case 2018-3 |
Acadian Engineers & Environmental Consultants Inc. | Firm | 04/08/2019 | Case 2014-52 |
Accu-Line Surveying, Inc. | Firm | 09/20/2010 | Case 2010-65 |
Acertus Consulting Group, LLC | Firm | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-4 |
Acuren Inspection, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2022 | Case 2020-112 |
Albert Architecture & Urban Design, APLLC | Firm | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-38 |
Aldrete & Sons Shoring Co., Inc. | Firm | 11/18/2019 | Case 2017-46 |
Alliance Wood Group Engineering, L.P. | Firm | 01/31/2011 | Case 2010-21 |
Allied Engineering Design, LLC | Firm | 04/22/2024 | Case 2023-59 |
Altieri Sebor Wieber, LLC | Firm | 10/26/2020 | Case 2020-15 |
Alvine and Associates, Inc. | Firm | 01/22/2014 | Case 2012-135 |
Amec Foster Wheeler USA Corporation | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2014-38 |
AMEC Paragon, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2011 | Case 2010-36 |
AMMTEC Consultants PLLC | Firm | 04/22/2024 | Case 2022-11 |
Anderson Engineering Company, Inc. of Utah | Firm | 11/18/2019 | Case 2017-50 |
Argus Architecture Engineering, L.L.C. | Firm | 11/17/2014 | Case 2014-23 |
Arrow Engineering & Consulting, Inc. | Firm | 11/14/2016 | Case 2013-105 |
Associated Design Group, Inc. | Firm | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-57 |
Associated Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 11/18/2019 | Case 2019-23 |
Audubon Field Solutions, LLC | Firm | 09/28/2015 | Case 2015-1 |
Badeaux Engineers Incorporated | Firm | 02/01/2022 | Case 2021-51 |
Barnes Engineering Company, Inc. | Firm | 11/18/2019 | Case 2017-60 |
BBC Engineering, Inc., A Division of Forte and Tablada, Inc. | Firm | 07/21/2014 | Case 2013-100 |
BC Engineers, Inc. of Kansas | Firm | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-47 |
Beaudette Consulting Engineers, Incorporated | Firm | 01/18/2012 | Case 2010-116 |
Bickford Surveys, LLC | Firm | 06/08/2020 | Case 2018-5 |
Blandco, L.L.C. | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-4 |
Bradford Engineering Services, LLC | Firm | 10/30/2023 | Case 2021-30 |
Briones Consulting & Engineering, Ltd. | Firm | 11/21/2011 | Case 2011-32 |
Brough and Stephens, Inc. | Firm | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-83 |
Browder + Leguizamon and Associates Inc. | Firm | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-8 |
Brown and Caldwell, Inc. | Firm | 07/19/2010 | Case 2010-27 |
BSE Structural Engineers, L.L.C. | Firm | 11/18/2019 | Case 2018-82 |
C.P.S. Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc. | Firm | 10/11/2021 | Case 2020-100 |
C3E Geomatics LLC | Firm | 04/10/2018 | Case 2016-56 |
Cable-Lock Foundation Repair, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2011 | Case 2009-90 |
Carubba Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 09/10/2018 | Case 2015-11 |
Caruso Turley Scott, Inc | Firm | 11/18/2019 | Case 2019-25 |
Case 2011-117 | Firm | 11/19/2012 | Case 2011-117 |
Case 2012-17 | Firm | 03/11/2013 | Case 2012-17 |
CBC Engineers & Associates Ltd. L L C | Firm | 01/18/2012 | Case 2011-59 |
Chapman Consulting Inc. | Firm | 07/22/2013 | Case 2012-103 |
Charters Technical Services, L.L.C. | Firm | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-36 |
Cimation, L.L.C. | Firm | 11/19/2012 | Case 2012-54 |
Commercial & Industrial Layout, Inc. | Firm | 04/10/2018 | Case 2015-89 |
Commercial Site Design, PLLC | Firm | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-62 |
Compliance Consultants, Inc. | Firm | 03/17/2014 | Case 2013-60 |
Consulting Construction Engineering, L.L.C. | Firm | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-12 |
Cornerstone Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-52 |
Cost Segregation Services, Inc. | Firm | 07/18/2016 | Case 2014-6 |
Crafton, Tull & Associates, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-79 |
D and R Environmental Consulting, Inc. | Firm | 03/08/2010 | Case 2008-92 |
D. Kelley & Associates, Inc. | Firm | 07/06/2010 | Case 2010-49 |
D.H. Charles Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2011 | Case 2011-13 |
David W. Backstedt, Jr., L.L.C. | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-24 |
DBR Engineering Consultants, Inc | Firm | 04/22/2024 | Case 2023-74 |
DoC Mapping, L.L.C. | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2015-38 |
DSC Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 06/10/2024 | Case 2023-36 |
Earthcore, LLC | Firm | 01/19/2016 | Case 2015-23 |
EDS Inc. | Firm | 06/05/2023 | Case 2022-49 |
Egen, LLC | Firm | 06/05/2023 | Case 2022-55 |
EJA Partners, L.L.C. (1) | Firm | 11/21/2011 | Case 2009-92 |
EJA Partners, L.L.C. (2) | Firm | 09/18/2017 | Case 2015-41 |
EJA Partners, LLC | Firm | 10/10/2022 | Case 2021-81 |
Elara Energy Services, Inc. | Firm | 10/26/2020 | Case 2020-14 |
Energy & Resource Consulting Group, LLC | Firm | 01/19/2010 | Case 2009-99 |
Energy Access Solutions, LLC | Firm | 04/08/2019 | Case 2017-25 |
Energy Logistics Group, LLC | Firm | 01/28/2015 | Case 2013-78 |
Engineering Partners International, Incorporated | Firm | 07/21/2014 | Case 2013-39 |
Engineers-Northwest, Inc., P.S. | Firm | 10/11/2021 | Case 2021-4 |
ENGlobal U.S., Inc. | Firm | 01/22/2014 | Case 2012-137 |
ENSO Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 06/10/2019 | Case 2018-74 |
ENTECH Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-30 |
Environmental Resources Management-Southwest, Inc. | Firm | 05/10/2010 | Case 2009-111 |
Environmental System Design and Management, Inc. a/k/a ESDM, Inc. | Firm | 01/19/2010 | Case 2011-9 |
Existing Structures Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 01/11/2021 | Case 2020-40 |
Fastgrid, LLC | Firm | 01/23/2023 | Case 2022-52 |
Ferrell Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 07/21/2014 | Case 2013-110 |
Forensic Analysis & Engineering Corporation | Firm | 10/26/2020 | Case 2020-16 |
Freeland-Clinkscales & Associates, Inc. of N.C. | Firm | 06/01/2015 | Case 2013-104 |
G. R. Stucker and Associates, Inc. | Firm | 07/22/2013 | Case 2013-40 |
Garner Engineering, P.A. | Firm | 09/19/2011 | Case 2010-107 |
General Engineering and Construction, Inc. | Firm | 07/19/2010 | Case 2009-61 |
Gurtler Bros. Consultants, Inc. (1) | Firm | 01/28/2015 | Case 2013-67 |
Gurtler Bros. Consultants, Inc. (2) | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2015-56 |
GZA Geoenvironmental, Inc. | Firm | 04/08/2019 | Case 2018-20 |
Hagen Engineering International, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2011 | Case 2011-7 |
Hardy Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 10/11/2021 | Case 2020-35 |
Harrison Engineering, LLC | Firm | 11/21/2011 | Case 2010-122 |
Hebert Professional Services, Inc. | Firm | 06/08/2020 | Case 2017-67 |
Hill Lewis Wrenn, LLC | Firm | 07/25/2011 | Case 2010-57 |
Hitachi Architects & Engineers Co. Ltd. | Firm | 01/22/2019 | Case 2018-53 |
HRST, Inc. | Firm | 11/19/2012 | Case 2012-22 |
HTS, Inc. Consultants | Firm | 11/13/2017 | Case 2017-33 |
Humming Bird & Associates, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2011 | Case 2010-20 |
Infrastructure Consulting & Engineering, PLLC | Firm | 05/23/2022 | Case 2020-50 |
Integrated Food Engineering LLC | Firm | 09/23/2024 | Case 2024-10 |
Integrated Management Services, P.A., Inc. (1) | Firm | 01/28/2015 | Case 2013-16 |
Integrated Management Services, P.A., Inc. (2) | Firm | 01/28/2015 | Case 2014-13 |
Island Structures Engineering, P.C. Corp | Firm | 01/23/2023 | Case 2022-66 |
Istre Engineering Services, Inc. | Firm | 10/26/2020 | Case 2018-100 |
J. Martin Pitts, PE, LLC | Firm | 05/24/2021 | Case 2021-16 |
J. Thibodeaux and Associates, LLC | Firm | 04/10/2018 | Case 2017-39 |
James F. Turner Engineers, LP | Firm | 11/19/2012 | Case 2011-87 |
Jedson Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 07/18/2016 | Case 2015-66 |
J-M Matkin & Associates, Ltd. | Firm | 10/10/2022 | Case 2021-42 |
John B. Talley & Associates, Inc. | Firm | 07/19/2010 | Case 2010-46 |
John Beath Environmental LLC | Firm | 02/27/2024 | Case 2021-58 |
John Bertin Wintz, P.E., LLC | Firm | 04/08/2019 | Case 2018-25 |
John Dunlap Land Surveying, Inc. | Firm | 10/30/2023 | Case 2022-20 |
John L. Wilson & Associates, Inc. | Firm | 11/18/2019 | Case 2019-27 |
Johnson, Spellman & Associates, Inc. | Firm | 09/16/2013 | Case 2013-41 |
Jones Environmental, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2011 | Case 2010-91 |
Kahuna Ventures LLC | Firm | 11/19/2012 | Case 2012-29 |
Kelly's Industrial Services, Inc. | Firm | 06/01/2015 | Case 2013-79 |
KGS Oilfield Rentals, LLC | Firm | 01/30/2018 | Case 2016-45 |
King Engineering Consultants, PLLC | Firm | 07/24/2023 | Case 2021-84 |
Kurzynske & Associates | Firm | 11/04/2024 | Case 2024-45 |
L.T. Mapping Services, Inc. | Firm | 03/16/2015 | Case 2013-80 |
Lamb Services, Inc. | Firm | 11/14/2016 | Case 2015-42 |
L-CON, Inc. | Firm | 09/19/2016 | Case 2014-25 |
Leap Associates International Inc. | Firm | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-17 |
Leonard C. Quick & Assoc., Inc. | Firm | 11/16/2015 | Case 2015-15 |
Lester Martin Jr. & Associates L.L.C. | Firm | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-26 |
Lewis Engineering, L.L.C. | Firm | 05/10/2010 | Case 2010-9 |
Linx Electric, L.L.C. | Firm | 09/16/2013 | Case 2012-131 |
Logical Systems, LLC | Firm | 09/28/2015 | Case 2014-53 |
Magnum Geo-Solutions, LLC | Firm | 05/16/2016 | Case 2015-31 |
Map Design Group, LLC | Firm | 01/11/2021 | Case 2019-55 |
Marino Engineering Associates, Inc. | Firm | 09/24/2012 | Case 2011-118 |
Mark J. Morvant, P.E., LLC | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-18 |
MDM Services Inc. of Louisiana | Firm | 09/15/2014 | Case 2013-88 |
Miller, Blunt & Associates, L.L.C. | Firm | 07/23/2012 | Case 2011-123 |
Minick Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-34 |
MKK Consulting Engineerings, Inc. | Firm | 01/18/2010 | Case 2009-83 |
Mo Mon Tai, Inc. | Firm | 07/24/2023 | Case 2023-5 |
Moody Surveying, L.L.C. | Firm | 05/15/2011 | Case 2010-111 |
MSP Engineering Group, PLLC | Firm | 06/18/2018 | Case 2017-63 |
National Foundation Repair, Inc. | Firm | 06/18/2018 | Case 2016-27 |
NCR Environmental and Engineering Consulting, Inc. | Firm | 11/22/2010 | Case 2008-89 |
NEHIL - SIVAK, P.C. - Corporation | Firm | 04/08/2019 | Case 2018-56 |
NEKO Solutions, LLC | Firm | 09/19/2016 | Case 2015-82 |
NewFields Environmental & Engineering, LLC | Firm | 09/15/2014 | Case 2013-120 |
Norris and Associates, Inc. | Firm | 07/23/2012 | Case 2011-92 |
Northeast Technical Services Co., Inc. | Firm | 06/10/2024 | Case 2023-47 |
Norton and Schmidt Consulting Engineers, L.L.C. | Firm | 01/22/2014 | Case 2013-11 |
Olsson Industrial Electric, Inc | Firm | 02/04/2025 | Case 2023-63 |
Osmose Utilities Services, Inc. | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-37 |
Palmer Engineering Firm, L.L.C. | Firm | 04/08/2019 | Case 2018-30 |
Partner Assessment Corporation | Firm | 02/01/2022 | Case 2020-80 |
PENTA Engineering Company, LLC | Firm | 09/19/2016 | Case 2015-68 |
Peter Allain, PE, LLC | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-22 |
Petro Land Services South, LLC | Firm | 09/15/2014 | Case 2013-53 |
Petroleum Engineers, Inc. | Firm | 03/08/2010 | Case 2009-106 |
Pond & Company | Firm | 11/22/2010 | Case 2010-51 |
Pontchartrain Engineers & Surveyors, Inc. | Firm | 05/20/2013 | Case 2012-102 |
Poole Engineers | Firm | 05/10/2010 | Case 2009-12 |
Prairie Engineers, P.C., Corporation | Firm | 02/04/2025 | Case 2024-36 |
Prater Engineering Associates, Inc. | Firm | 06/05/2023 | Case 2022-45 |
Precision Engineering Group, LLC | Firm | 01/28/2020 | Case 2019-18 |
Priest Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 11/21/2011 | Case 2010-117 |
Proficient Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-90 |
Progressive Engineering & Construction, Inc. | Firm | 05/16/2016 | Case 2015-67 |
Quality Engineering & Surveying, LLC | Firm | 01/19/2016 | Case 2015-16 |
R C H Company, Inc. | Firm | 01/19/2016 | Case 2015-22 |
Raymond L. Goodson, Jr., Inc. | Firm | 06/10/2024 | Case 2023-43 |
Rayner Consulting Group, L.L.C. | Firm | 07/29/2024 | Case 2024-17 |
RE/SPEC Inc. | Firm | 04/08/2019 | Case 2016-29 |
Red Dot Corporation | Firm | 01/08/2007 | Case 2006-36 |
Reed, Wells, Benson and Company Corporation | Firm | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-35 |
Rendon Construction LLC | Firm | 03/20/2012 | Case 2010-74 |
Republic National, Inc. | Firm | 07/27/2015 | Case 2014-49 |
Richard L. Holm, LLC | Firm | 03/13/2017 | Case 2016-20 |
Ridge & Associates, Inc. | Firm | 03/22/2021 | Case 2020-85 |
Robert D. Lee Consulting Engineers, Inc. (1) | Firm | 11/19/2012 | Case 2011-35 |
Robert D. Lee Consulting Engineers, Inc. (2) | Firm | 11/19/2012 | Case 2012-75 |
Robson Forensic, Inc. | Firm | 01/22/2013 | Case 2011-33 |
Ross & Baruzzini, Inc. | Firm | 09/09/2019 | Case 2017-55 |
Royal Engineers and Consultants, L.L.C. | Firm | 06/08/2020 | Case 2019-61 |
R-Squared Global, L.L.C. | Firm | 11/19/2012 | Case 2011-73 |
S. E. Consultants, Inc. | Firm | 01/23/2023 | Case 2022-68 |
Sage Environmental Consulting, L.P. | Firm | 06/18/2018 | Case 2016-31 |
Scalfano Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2011 | Case 2010-70 |
Screening System International, Inc. | Firm | 11/19/2012 | Case 2011-108 |
Shaw Coastal, Inc. | Firm | 01/18/2010 | Case 2009-98 |
Smith Emery Laboratories, Inc. | Firm | 04/22/2024 | Case 2023-48 |
Smith Engineering Company, Inc. | Firm | 09/15/2014 | Case 2013-114 |
SPEC, L.L.C. (1) | Firm | 10/26/2020 | Case 2018-102 |
SPEC, L.L.C. (2) | Firm | 06/05/2023 | Case 2022-48 |
Spectro Chem, L.L.C. | Firm | 05/10/2010 | Case 2009-102 |
SRF Group Consulting, LLC | Firm | 06/18/2018 | Case 2014-47 |
Stonewall Consulting LLC | Firm | 11/18/2019 | Case 2016-50 |
Structure Sight LLC | Firm | 10/11/2021 | Case 2021-14 |
Structures America Innovative Engineering, PLC | Firm | 03/11/2013 | Case 2012-19 |
Submar, Inc. | Firm | 05/15/2017 | Case 2015-35 |
Syntergy, L.L.C. | Firm | 07/21/2014 | Case 2013-71 |
TEEMCO, LLC | Firm | 01/28/2015 | Case 2013-09 |
Telecad Wireless Site Design Inc | Firm | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-92 |
The Dimension Group I, LP | Firm | 07/25/2022 | Case 2022-1 |
The Equity Engineering Group, Inc. | Firm | 01/22/2014 | Case 2012-133 |
The Integration Group of Americas, Inc. | Firm | 10/10/2022 | Case 2021-7 |
The Map Group, Inc. | Firm | 01/11/2021 | Case 2017-28 |
Thermon Heat Tracing Services-II, Inc. | Firm | 04/29/2013 | Case 2012-41 |
TKE Engineering & Design, Inc. | Firm | 07/23/2012 | Case 2011-53 |
Toby Dugas Engineering, LLC | Firm | 01/28/2020 | Case 2019-45 |
Tomarco Contractor Specialties, Inc. | Firm | 07/27/2015 | Case 2013-119 |
Tompkins Surveying & Mapping, LLC | Firm | 10/26/2020 | Case 2020-10 |
Total Engineers LLC | Firm | 07/29/2024 | Case 2023-39 |
Toyo Engineering Corporation | Firm | 04/10/2018 | Case 2016-58 |
Trachte Building Systems, Inc. | Firm | 06/10/2024 | Case 2023-70 |
Trinity Consultants, Inc. | Firm | 05/16/2016 | Case 2015-71 |
Triteq, Inc. | Firm | 11/05/2018 | Case 2018-39 |
Turner Surveys LLC | Firm | 09/24/2012 | Case 2012-8 |
U.P. Engineers and Architects, Inc. | Firm | 07/25/2022 | Case 2021-94 |
U.S. Aquatics, Inc. | Firm | 10/11/2021 | Case 2020-45 |
Ulteig Engineers, Inc. | Firm | 10/11/2021 | Case 2021-37 |
United Consulting Group, Ltd. | Firm | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-41 |
Versabar, Inc. | Firm | 05/15/2017 | Case 2015-34 |
Vrettos Pappas Consulting Engineers, P.A., Inc. | Firm | 11/18/2019 | Case 2018-43 |
Ward, Getz & Associates, LLP | Firm | 09/10/2018 | Case 2018-46 |
Water Technology, Inc. of Wisconsin | Firm | 11/04/2024 | Case 2024-42 |
Watson Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 05/10/2010 | Case 2009-103 |
Winkelmann & Associates, Inc. | Firm | 04/22/2024 | Case 2023-72 |
Becker Engineering, Inc. | Firm | 02/04/2025 | Case 2024-73 |
Property Imaging Experts, LLC | Firm | 02/04/2025 | Case 2024-64 |